Alexander Gabovich

Alexander Gabovich

українська версія
english version

Birth date: 1946, March 7. Leading Research Associate of Crystal Physics Department, the Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (NAS) from 21 June 1991. Doctor in Physics and Mathematics (Solid State Physics). Total number of publications exceeds 250.

Phone: +380 44 5250820 (office), fax: +380 44 5251589, e-mail:


Education: 1964-1969 – Physical Department of Kiev State University named after T. Shevchenko, Master degree cum laude in Nuclear Physics.

Research areas: Solid state electronic properties, physics of superconductivity, electron theory of surface phenomena, electrochemistry, history and methodology of natural sciences.

Most important results obtained:

Current investigations:

Membership in scientific societies:


Tutorial experience: General physics course in the International Solomon University (1993-1994).

International research grants:

Awards: Diploma of the “School World” Publishing House for the victory in the 2003-2004 school year in the section “In the Simple Way about Complicated Matter”.

Participation in the International Conferences:

  1. International Conference on Superconductivity, 1990, 10-14 January, Bangalore, India (as a report co-author).
  2. "High temperature superconductivity and localization phenomena", 1991, 11-15 May, Moscow, Russia (personally).
  3. 2-nd International Symposium on High-Tc Superconductivity and Tunneling Phenomena, 1994, 3-6 September, Donetsk, Ukraine (personally).
  4. 2-nd International Conference on Point-Contact Spectroscopy, 1995, 7-10 June, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (personally).
  5. 15-th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, 1996, 22-25 April, Baveno-Stresa, Lago-Maggiore, Italy (personally).
  6. Adriatico Research Confererence "Tunneling and its Implications", 1996, 30 July-2 August, Trieste, Italy (personally).
  7. Adriatico Research Confererence and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Fluctuation Phenomena in High Temperature Superconductors", 1996, 5 August-8 August, Trieste, Italy (personally).
  8. Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics. Subsection: Mesoscopic Physics, 1997, 14 July-25 July, Trieste, Italy (personally).
  9. Gordon Research Conferences: Dynamics at Surfaces, 1997, 10 August-15 August, Andover, NH, USA (as a report co-author).
  10. 17th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-17), 1997, 16-19 September, Entschede, the Netherlands (personally).
  11. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on symmetry and pairing in superconductors, 1998, 28 April - 2 May, Yalta, Ukraine (personally).
  12. The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 1998, July 15- July 18, Paris, France (as a report co-author).
  13. 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society, 1998, 25-29 August, Grenoble, France (personally).
  14. NATO Advanced Study Institute: Material Science, Fundamental Properties and Furure Electronic Applications of High-Tc Superconductors, 1998, 14-25 September, Albena, Bulgaria (personally).
  15. First Euroconference on Anomalous Complex Superconductors ACS'98, 1998, 26 September- 3 October, Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece (personally).
  16. Low Temperature Conference N 31, 1998, 2-3 December, Moscow, Russia (personally).
  17. The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES'99), 1999, 24-28 August, Nagano, Japan (personally).
  18. EUCAS'99 Satellite Conference and NATO Advanced Research Workshop SMART-99 (ionic, organic, electronic, Superconducting and magnetic Materials: Advances and Research Technologies) / SUPERMAT'99 (SUPERMATerials), 1999, 19-23 September, Giens Peninsula - Hyeres, France (personally).
  19. XII Trilateral German-Russian-Ukrainian Seminar on High-Temperature Superconductivity, 1999, 25-29 October, Kiev, Ukraine (personally).
  20. The First Cracow-Clausthal Workshop on Tunnelling Effect and Other Fundamental Problems of Quantum Physics, 1999, 22-28 November, Cracow, Poland (personally).
  21. 18th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, 2000, 13-17 March, Montreux, Switzerland (personally).
  22. XIV Trilateral German-Russian-Ukrainian Seminar on High-Temperature Superconductivity, 2001, 27 May - 1 June, Moscow, Russia (personally).
  23. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on New Trends in Superconductivity, 2001, 16-20 September, Yalta, Ukraine (personally).
  24. 19th General Conference of the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division held jointly with CMMP 2002 - Condensed Matter and Material Physics, 2002, 7-11 April, Brighton, United Kingdom (personally).
  25. VIII International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds, 2002, 25-28 September, Lviv, Ukraine (as a report co-author).
  26. International Workshop on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Equations to Superfluids, 2003, 30 May - 1 June, Bristol, United Kingdom (personally).
  27. 12-th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, 2003, 21 July - 25 July, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (personally).
  28. NATO Advanced Research Workshop (PST.ARW.979961) on Physics of Spin in Solids: Materials, Methods & Applications, 2003, 15 October - 19 October, Baku, Azerbaijan (as a report co-author).
  29. CMD20 - the 20th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, 2004, 19-23 July, Prague, Czech Republic (as a report co-author).
  30. The international conference on strongly correlated electron systems. SCES'04, 2004, 26-30 July, Karlsruhe, Germany (as a report co-author).
  31. 2004 Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity, 2004, 19 September - 24 September, Oxford, United Kingdom (personally).
  32. The 17th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS-2004), 2004, 23 November - 25 November, Niigata, Japan (as a report co-author).



  1. Superconductivity of semiconductors and semimetals. O. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev. Visnyk AN USSR (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 1983, N3, p. 22-33.
  2. Metalloxide superconductor BaPb1-xBixO3: unusual properties and new applications. A.M.Gabovich, D.P.Moiseev. Usp. Fiz. Nauk, 1986, v.150, N4, p. 599-623. [Sov.Phys.Usp., 1986, v. 29, p.1135.
  3. Partial dielectrization model for oxide superconductivity. A.M.Gabovich. In: High-Tc Superconductivity, Experiment and Theory, A.S.Davydov and V.M.Loktev (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1992, p.161-169.
  4. Superconductivity against dielectrization: Evidence for competition and coexistence. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Ukrainian Physical Journal (here and below Ukr. Fiz. Zhurn.), 1999, v. 44, N 1/2, p. 223-229.
  5. Superconductors with charge-and spin-density waves: theory and experiment (Review article). A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2000, v. 26, N 5, p. 419-452 (Low Temperature Physics, 2000, v. 26, N 5, p. 305-330).
  6. Topical review: Charge- and spin-density-wave superconductors. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, J. F. Annett, M. Ausloos. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 2001, v. 14, N 4, p. R1-R27.
  7. Charge-density waves and spin-density waves in existing superconductors: competition between Cooper pairing and Peierls or excitonic instabilities. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, M. Ausloos. Physics Reports, 2002, v. 367, N 6, p. 583-709.


  1. About the problem of superconductivity in layered semiconductor structures. A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1975, v. 17, N 1, p. 269-273.
  2. On the existence of the mixed phase superconductor-excitonic insulator in intrinsic semimetals. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1975, v. 17, N 6, p. 1584-1591.
  3. Plasmon and exciton superconductivity mechanisms in layered structures. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii, S. K. Uvarova. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1975, v. 1, N 8, p. 984-995 [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 1975, v. 1, N 8, p. 473-478].
  4. Indirect adsorbed atom interaction on the metal surface via substrate electron gas. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1976, v. 18, N 2, p. 377-382 [Sov. Phys. Solid State, 1976, v. 18, N 2, p. 220].
  5. On superconductivity of polar semiconductors and semimetals. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1976, v. 2, N 6, p. 696-705.
  6. About dielectric and superconducting phase transitions in intrinsic semimetals. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1976, v. 18, N 11, p. 3279-3287.
  7. About Peierls instability criterion in quasi- one- dimensional metals. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii. Pis’ma v Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1977, v. 26, N 5, p. 349-352.
  8. About superconductivity criterion in metals. A. M. Gabovich. Ukrainskii Fizychnyi Zhournal, 1977, v. 22, N 12, p.2066-2068.
  9. Charge screening and electron density Friedel oscillations in metals with different Fermi surface shape. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii, Yu. A. Romanov. Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1978, v. 75, N 1, p. 249-264 [Sov. Phys. JETP, 1978, v. 48, N 1, p. 124-131].
  10. Superconductivity in metals taking into account ion core repulsion. A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1978, v. 4, N 9, p. 1115-1124.
  11. Electrostatic charge interaction with surfaces of metals and semiconductors. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1979, v. 21, N 6, p. 1683-1689.
  12. Adsorbed film disordering at superconducting transition of a metal substrate. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1979, v. 21, N 7, p. 2191-2193.
  13. Paramagnetic limit of superconductors with a dielectric gap on the Fermi surface. A. M. Gabovich, E. A. Pashitskii, A. S. Shpigel. Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1979, v. 77, N 3, p. 1157-1166 [Sov. Phys. JETP, 1979, 50, N 3, p. 583-588].
  14. Edge dislocation shielding in normal metals and superconductors and the metal loss of strength at the superconducting transition. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1980, v. 6, N 3, p. 298-307 [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 1980, v. 6, N 3, p. 141-145].
  15. Electrostatic energy and screened charge interaction near the surface of metals with different Fermi surface shape. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii, and Yu. A. Romanov. Surface Science, 1980, v. 94, N 1, p. 179-203.
  16. Spatial dispersion effects on image forces and electron energy spectrum above liquid helium surface. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii. Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1980, v. 79, N 2, p. 665-671 [Sov. Phys. JETP, 1980, v. 52, N 2, p. 336-340].
  17. About superconductivity of polar semiconductors. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1980, v. 22, N 11, p. 3231-3235.
  18. Electrostatic interaction of dislocation walls with point charged defects. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1981, v. 51, N 5, p. 1113-1116.
  19. Isotope effect in jellium and Brout models. A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1981, v. 23, N 5, p. 1511-1514.
  20. Thermodynamic properties of superconducting ceramics BaPb1-xBixO3. A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, and A. S. Shpigel. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 1982, v. 15, N 18, p. L569-L572.
  21. Josephson effects in bulk solid state samples of superconducting ceramics BaPb1-xBixO3. N. A. Belous, A. M. Gabovich, I. V. Lezhnenko, D. P. Moiseev, V. M. Postnikov, and S. K. Uvarova. Physics Letters A, 1982, v. 92, N 9, p. 455-456.
  22. Influence of semiconductor dielectric function spatial dispersion on charge electrostatic energy near the semiconductor/vacuum interface and field emission current. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physica Status. Solidi (b), 1982, v. 100, N 2, p. 407-416.
  23. Surface tension at the interface between electrolyte solution and metal (semiconductor) electrode. Spatial dispersion effects. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Electrochimica Acta, 1983, v. 28, N 12, p. 1771-1776.
  24. Influence of impurity scattering on the critical temperature of superconductors with a partial gap in the electron spectrum. A. M. Gabovich, A. S. Shpigel. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 1983, v. 51, N 5/6, p. 581-599.
  25. Dynamic image forces as a cause of Fowler - Nordheim law violation in field emission. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1983, v. 25, N 6, p. 1885-1887 [Sov. Phys. Solid State, 1983, v. 25, N 6, p. 1088].
  26. Electron potential energy near a ferromagnetic metal surface. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1983, v. 25, N 10, p. 3179-3181.
  27. Image forces and electron spectrum at the surface of liquid helium. A. M. Gabovich, L. G. Il’chenko, E. A. Pashitskii. Surface Science, 1983, v. 130, N 2, p. 373-394.
  28. Image forces and quantum states in semiconductor heterostructures. A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum. Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 1984, v. 18, N 3, p. 498-501.
  29. Thermodynamics of superconductors with charge- and spin-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. S. Shpigel. Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, v. 14, N 12, p. 3031-3039.
  30. Effect of dynamic character of image forces on field emission. A. I. Voitenko, A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozembaum. Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1984, v. 87, N 9, p. 1064-1068. [Sov. Phys. JETP, 1984, v. 60, N 3, p. 608-610.]
  31. Coherent properties and current transport in the Josephson medium - ceramics BaPb1-xBixO3. N. A. Belous, A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, V. M. Postnikov, A. E. Chernyakhovskii. Zhournal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1986, v. 91, N 1, p. 274-286 [Sov. Phys. JETP, 1986, v. 64, N 1, p. 159-166].
  32. Surface tension at the electrolyte solution/metal electrode interface. - II. The spatial dispersion of polar solvent dielectric permittivity. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Electrochimica. Acta, 1986, v. 31, N 7, p. 777-782.
  33. Anomalies of dielectric properties of metaloxide ceramics BaBiO3. S. L. Bravina, A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, N. V. Morozovskii, S. K. Uvarova. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1987, v. 29, N 1, p. 285-287.
  34. Thermodynamics of superconductors with charge- and spin-density waves. D/Tc ratio and paramagnetic limit. A. M. Gabovich, A. S. Gerber, and A. S. Shpigel. Physica Status Solidi (b), 1987, v. 141, N 2, p. 575-587.
  35. Dynamical image forces in three-layer systems and field emission. A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum, A. I. Voitenko. Surface Science, 1987, v. 186, N 3, p. 523-549.
  36. Multiple effects in the disordered Josephson medium BaPb1-xBixO3. N. A. Belous, A. E.Chernyakhovskii, A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, V. M. Postnikov. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 1988, v. 21, N 6, p. L153-L159.
  37. Upper critical magnetic field of superconductors with a dielectric gap on the Fermi surface sections. A. M. Gabovich and A. S. Shpigel. Physical Review B, 1988, v. 38, N 1, p. 297-306.
  38. Surface tension at the electrolyte solution - metal electrode interface. - III. Polyvalent and non-symmetrical electrolytes. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Electrochimica Acta, 1990, v. 35, N 2, p. 545-554.
  39. Resistive noise and heat effects in the granular oxide superconductor BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3. A. M. Gabovich, V. A. Kulikov, L. V. Matveets, D. P. Moiseev, V. M. Postnikov. Journal of Physics: Condensed. Matter, 1991, v. 3, N 11, p. 1539-1548.
  40. Josephson and quasiparticle tunneling in superconductors with charge density waves. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1992, v. 18, N 7, p. 693-704 [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 1992, v. 18, N 7, p. 490-499].
  41. About tunnel spectroscopy of normal metals with charge or spin density waves. A. M. Gabovich. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 1993, v. 19, N 10, p. 1098-1105 [Low Temp. Phys., 1993, v. 19, N 10, p. 779-785].
  42. Tunneling spectroscopy of normal metals with charge-density or spin-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physical Review B, 1995, v. 52, N 10, p. 7437-7447.
  43. Influence of inelastic quasiparticle scattering on thermodynamic and transport properties of high-Tc oxides. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physica C, 1996, v. 258, N 3-4, p. 236-252.
  44. Nonstationary Josephson effect for superconductors with charge-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physical Review B, 1997, v. 55, N 2, p. 1081-1099.
  45. Possibility of cold fusion in palladium deuterides: screening effects and connection to superconducting properties. A. M. Gabovich. Philosophical Magazine B, 1997, v. 76, N 1, p. 107-118.
  46. Non-stationary Josephson effect for superconductors with charge-density waves: NbSe3. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Europhysics Letters, 1997, v. 38, N 5, p. 371-376.
  47. Asymmetrical tunneling between similar metallic junctions with charge-density or spin-density waves: the case of broken symmetry. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physical Review B, 1997, v. 56, N 13, p. 7785-7788.
  48. Influence of the order parameter nonhomogeneities on low-temperature properties of superconductors. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Physical Review B, 1999, v. 60, N 10, p. 7465-7472.
  49. Nonstationary Josephson effect for superconductors with spin-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. Phys. Rev. B, 1999, v. 60, N 21, p. 14897-14906.
  50. Dynamical image forces near semiconductor - vacuum interfaces and in vacuum interlayers between semiconductors. A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum, A. I. Voitenko. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2001, v. 226, N 1, p. 133-153.
  51. Heat capacity of mesoscopically disordered superconductors with emphasis on MgB2. A. M. Gabovich, Mai Suan Li, M. Pekala, H. Szymczak, A. I. Voitenko. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, v. 14, N 41, p. 9621-9629.
  52. Transport study of newly synthesized polycrystalline Sr1-xKxPbO3 solid solutions. V. A. Drozd, A. M. Gabovich, M. Pekala, V. N. Boychuk, D. P. Moiseev, S. A. Nedilko. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2002, v. 346, N 1-2, p. 17-23.
  53. Thermodynamics of superconductors with charge-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, Mai Suan Li, H. Szymczak, A. I. Voitenko. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2003, v. 15, N 17, p. 2745–2753.
  54. Transport properties of bulk and thin-film MgB2 superconductors: effects of preparation conditions. V. A. Drozd, A. M. Gabovich, P. Gierlowski, M. Pekala, H. Szymczak. Physica C, 2004, v. 402, N 4, p. 325-334.
  55. Oxalate coprecipitation synthesis and transport properties of polycrystalline Sr1-xLaxPbO3 solid solutions. V. A. Drozd, A. M. Gabovich, M. Pekala, S. A. Nedilko, P. Gierlowski. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004, v. 367, N 1-2, p. 246-250.
  56. Heat capacity of mesoscopically inhomogeneous superconductors: Theory and applications to MgB2. A. M. Gabovich, Mai Suan Li, M. Pekala, H. Szymczak, A. I. Voitenko. Physica C, 2004, v. 405, N 3-4, p. 187-211.
  57. Enhanced paramagnetic limit of the upper critical magnetic field for superconductors with charge-density waves. A. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, T. Ekino. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2004, v. 16, N 21, p. 3681–3690.
  58. Tunnel currents in charge-density-wave metal-insulator-charge-density-wave metal structures: Magnetic field-induced spin-splitting of the conductance peaks. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, T. Ekino. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2004, v. 73, N 7, p. 1931-1937.
  59. Paramagnetic spin splitting of the conductances for tunnel junctions between partially gapped metals with charge density waves and normal metals or ferromagnets. A. M. Gabovich, Mai Suan Li, M. Pekala, H. Szymczak, A. I. Voitenko. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2005, v. 17, N 12, p. 1907-1922.


  1. Influence of the electron spectrum dielectrization on the critical current of the Josephson medium BaPb1-xBixO3. A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, V. M. Postnikov, A. S. Shpigel, A. I. Voitenko. Physica B, 1990, v. 165-166, p. 1591-1592.
  2. Image forces in tunnel and point-contact spectroscopy. A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum, A. I. Voitenko. Physica B, 1996, v. 218, N 1-4, p. 280-282.
  3. Influence of the image dynamic character and the finite electron screening length on tunneling through thin barriers. A. M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum, A. I. Voitenko. In: Tunneling and Its Implications, eds.: D. Mugnai, A. Ranfagni, L. S. Schulman, Singapore, World Scientific, 1997, p. 440-442.
  4. Influence of inelastic quasiparticle scattering on thermodynamic and transport properties of high-temperature oxides. A. I. Voitenko, A. M. Gabovich. In: Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, eds. M. Ausloos, S. Kruchinin, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, p. 19-30.
  5. Coexistence of superconductivity with charge- or spin-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. In: Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, eds.: M. Ausloos, S. Kruchinin, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, p. 187-198.
  6. Order parameter symmetry and low-temperature asymptotics for mesoscopic nonhimogeneous superconductors. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. In: Supermaterials, Nato Science Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - Vol. 8, edited by Rudi Cloots, Marcel Ausloos, Marek Pekala, Alan J. Hurd, Gilbert Vacqueir (Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2000), 228 pp., p. 193-212.
  7. Nonstationary Josephson and quasiparticle tunnel currents through junctions between superconductors with spin-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko. In: High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials, edited by S.L. Drechsler and T.Mishonov (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2001), 559 pp., p. 249-257.
  8. Electronic thermal conductivity of partially-gapped CDW-superconductors. M. Ausloos, A.M. Gabovich, A.I. Voitenko, M. Pekala. In: New Trends in Superconductivity, edited by J. F. Annett and S. Kruchinin (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002), 435 pp., p. 105-114.
  9. Charge- and spin-density-wave superconductors: Pseudogap puzzle in the cuprates. A.M. Gabovich, A.I. Voitenko, J. Annett, M. Ausloos. In: New Trends in Superconductivity, edited by J. F. Annett and S. Kruchinin (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002), 435 pp., p. 61-70.
  10. Tunneling in two- and three-layer systems with allowance for dynamic image forces. A.M. Gabovich, V. M. Rozenbaum, A.I. Voitenko. In: Extension of Quantum Physics, edited by A Horzela and E Kapuscik (Apeiron, Montreal, Canada, 2002), 127 pp., pp. 77-91.
  11. Spin-dependent tunnel currents for metals or superconductors with charge-density waves. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, Mai Suan Li, H. Szymczak, M. Pekala. In: Physics of Spin in Solids, Materials: Methods and Applications, NATO Advanced Research Workshop (PST.ARW.979961), Baku, Azerbaijan, 15 October - 19 October 2003, edited by S. Halilov (Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2004), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 25-42.


9 articles were written personally (Anderson theorem, granular superconductors, Josephson medium, Little-Parks effect, Persistent current, Paramagnetic limit, Percolation effects in superconductors, Superconductors with local pairs, Superconducting semiconductors and semimetals) and one article in a co-authorship with E. A. Pashitskii (Superconductors) in the Encyclopedic Dictionary “Solid State Physics”, v. 1 (1996) and v. 2 (1998) “Naukova Dumka”, Kiev.


A device with many Josephson junctions and a method of its production. N. A. Belous, A. M. Gabovich, I. V. Lezhnenko, D. P. Moiseev, S. K. Uvarova. The authors’ certificate N 1034548. Priority from 25 March, 1981. Published on 8 April, 1983.


  1. The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity. A. M. Gabovich. Nauka i Zhizn (Science and Life), 1987, N 7, p. 16-19.
  2. Why the discovery has not been made? M. S. Burgin, O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 1997, N 3-4, p. 55-60.
  3. Lost priority. How in the Institute of Physics of the NASU the materials science of superconducting oxides “was lost”. O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 1997, N 5-6, p. 84-88.
  4. What for is physics? Science and magic in the modern life. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 1998, N 1-2, p. 57-62.
  5. Letter on bottom-up funding. A. M. Gabovich. Physics Today, 1999, v. 52, N 7, p. 15, 81.
  6. Science and culture. Unity in beauty. O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 1999, N 4, p. 49-56.
  7. The irreversibility problem in modern physics. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2000, February, N 5 (53).
  8. Scientist and Teacher. O. M. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2000, November, N 32 (80).
  9. Once more about the body thrown at an angle to the horizon. O. M. Gabovich, O. G. Rozenvayn. Kraina Znan’ (The Land of Knowledge), 2002, N 3-4, p. 14-17.
  10. Marian Smoluchowski - creator of the Brownian motion theory and one of the founders of the kinetic theory of matter. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2002, May, N 15 (135).
  11. Physics of superconductivity: Modern progress. Part one. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Kraina Znan’ (The Land of Knowledge), 2002, N 7-8, p. 4-7.
  12. Physics of superconductivity: Modern progress. Part two. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Kraina Znan’ (The Land of Knowledge), 2002, N 9-10, p. 6-9.
  13. Marian Smoluchowski and Brownian motion (dedicated to the 130 anniversary of his birthday). A. M. Gabovich. Kvant (Quantum), 2002, N 6, p. 3-9.
  14. Eyes and hands of nanotechnology. O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 2003, N 11, p. 69-70.
  15. First hints about a discovery of the element 115. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2004, May, N 15 (207).
  16. Venus transits against the solar background greeting the International Physics Year. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2004, June, N 16 (208).


  1. Humanitarization of science or its crisis? O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 2001, N 7, p. 54-61.
  2. Which should and which should not be the physical education (polemic notes). O. M. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2002, August, N 22 (142).
  3. Bitter fruit of the falsification in science. O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 2003, N 3, p. 37-42.
  4. Damnation by ignorance. A. M. Gabovich. Zerkalo Nedeli (Weekly Mirror), 2003, N 36(461), 20-26 September.
  5. Why Ukraine is not Japan? Casual impressions and inconclusive corollaries. O. M. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 2004, N 2, p. 45-52.
  6. Scientists on the pedestal of the recognition. O. M. Gabovich, N. O. Gabovich. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy (Herald of the National Academy of Sciences), 2004, N 12, p. 41-55.
  7. Symptoms of a serious illness. O. Gabovich, V. Kuznetsov, I. Kashuba, V. Olkhovskii, V. Ermakov, L. Bryzhyk, O. Yeremko, O. Khomra, V. Shkoda. Den’ (Day), 2005, N 41, Thursday, 10 March
  8. At the moment when the Presidium of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences was kissing the “honorary professor”. A. Rudchik, I. Kashuba, V. Olkhovskii, A. Gabovich, V. Kuznetsov, A. Levon, I. Simenog, I. Korzh, N. Dmitruk, Yu. Malyuta. Weekly Mirror, 2005, № 10(538), Saturday, 19 March.


  1. Rainbow. A Scientific Poem. O. M. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2004, May, N 13 (205).
  2. Futile attempt to get rid of the Broken Ghost. A Scientific Poem. O. M. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2004, May, N 15 (207).
  3. Crowd and electroconductivity. Scientific poem. O. M. Gabovich. Fizyka (Physics, Newspaper for teachers), 2004, September, N 27 (219).